Visual arts in many different forms: drawing, painting, printmaking and photography

Visual arts are forms of art that you can see, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography and filmmaking. Painting is also one of the oldest forms of visual art. In old caves prehistoric people painted hunting scenes onto walls. Paintings became important in ancient Egypt, where tombs of pharaohs were covered with scenes of everyday Egyptian life. Painting is also one of the oldest forms of visual art.

Drawing is creating a picture with a variety of tools, in most cases pencils, crayons, pens or markers. Artists draw on different types of surfaces, like paper or canvas. The first drawings were discovered in caves, that date back about 30,000 years. In the Middle Ages drawings were sketches that were made on parchment.

We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers. But never blame yourself. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. If you can dream it, you can do it.
Jack Bird

Printmaking is art that is made by covering a plate with ink and pressing it on the surface of another object. Today prints are mostly produced on paper today but originally, they were pressed onto cloth or other objects. Plates are often made out of wood or metal. The first prints were probably made in ancient Mesopotamia. Later on they became popular in ancient Egypt and China. Printmaking spread to Europe towards the end of the Middle Ages.

Photography is making pictures by letting light through the lenses of a camera onto a film. In analogue photography light was recorded onto a film, which had to be chemically developed. Images could then be printed onto special paper. Today most photography is digital. Cameras have no film, the images are recorded onto silicon chips.

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Visual arts are forms of art that you can see, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography and filmmaking. Painting is also one of the oldest forms of visual art. In old caves prehistoric people painted hunting scenes onto walls. Paintings became important in ancient Egypt, where tombs of pharaohs were covered with scenes of everyday Egyptian life. Painting is also one of the oldest forms of visual art.

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Comments (4)
Jessica Grey
25 Jan 2015, 14:05

Donec libero magna, vulputate et dui eu, viverra luctus tellus. Praesent hendrerit nisl id felis euismod malesuada. Sed sem tortor, semper vitae libero et, suscipit aliquet massa. Cras aliquam ultrices lectus, ut accumsan dui luctus ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras condimentum ex odio, eu iaculis mi aliquam eget.

Peter Brown
25 Jan 2015, 14:05

Morbi molestie risus sed enim molestie maximus. Donec eget mauris eros. Donec varius elit id fringilla efficitur. Morbi ultrices purus viverra rutrum vehicula.

Alex Greenday, author
25 Jan 2015, 14:05

Cras aliquam ultrices lectus, ut accumsan dui luctus ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras condimentum ex odio, eu iaculis mi aliquam eget.

Lilly Wayne
25 Jan 2015, 14:05

Sed sem tortor, semper vitae libero et, suscipit aliquet massa. Cras aliquam ultrices lectus, ut accumsan dui luctus ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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